Tuesday, 1 January 2008

And so it begins

Today is the first day of 2008. I made no resolutions last night but made a concerted decision to do something about my health.

We attended a dance at Seamill Hydro on Saturday night and was miserable from the moment I stepped out the shower. Halfway through I was in tears mainly because I couldn't force my bulk onto the dance floor to boogie with my lovely husband.

So, last night John had all his mates round, Stuart & Kim, Katie, Sean Frew, Sean Kelly, Mark, Susannah and last but not least (only because he arrived last) Greg! They arrived from about 8.30 pm and were in good spirits right through to about 3 o'clock this morning. I'm surprised they lasted so long. Best bit was New Year on the bells and I got to kiss all those lovely young men! (I know I'm so sad but I have not very much to get excited about - can you tell?) About 11 pm I made shortbread to go with the soup and chilli (untouched) but the shortbread went in double quick time so made another batch. Haven't baked for ages but that put me in the mood for more!

Paul had left for Natalie's about teatime while John and i were in Lido in Troon where we saw Alan Hutton who apparently is a Kilmarnock Player and earns about 20 - 30 grand a week! He was wearing his Grandfather's cardie! I sneaked a week photo and sent it to Paul but was so dark he had no idea who it was!

Tori was at Grans Babs' (doing her hair) and was all set for a night on the town with her friends. She too set off about 8 pm all beautified (my daughter is a beautiful girl) and all grown up looking which was just as well as she was planning to get into Pitchers New Year party! At about five to midnight she called to plead with me to come and pick her up (Yes!) her friend had been involved in a small fracas just after Christmas and was too embarrassed to go back (showing their age there - we wouldn't have given a shit unles we'd been barred!). Anyway the ended up at Viva! Heaven forbid. Sensibly she realised it was full of dirty old men and decided New Year or not it wasn't worth it. She only wanted to be with Daryn anyway!

I've woken up this morning with a temperature and a really sore throat and cough that is hurting my chest. However before I could sit down and feel sorry for myself I had to tidy the dining room (only not dining room anymore but any other name doesn't sound comfy yet) this was where John was entertaining his friends! Picture, plastic champagne glasses, beer glasses empty bottles of a selection of lagers, ciders, peach schnapps and god forbid Buckie! Stuart likes the Buckie he always has done however not a ned just likes the taste apparently (and paying through the nose for it).

Wel today is the start of a new year and hopefully a new me! Reading her blog my dear sister looks like she is thinking along the same lines. I would like to be there to support her but things are still fragile between Tori and her and until this heals I don't think we'll get back to being the way we had begun to be. I miss her.

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