Sunday, 6 January 2008


Woe is me! I hate having the cold - this is what happens when people at work come to work with the cold instead of stopping at home. I haven't actually had a really bad cold for about 3 years. I suffer from sinusitis from time to time but never get the cold with it.

Now I have this cough - I have actually had the cough for about 11 months! It was due to a medication I was taking for blood pressure. They changed the meds and the cough went but it's come back and I should get to the doc. At the moment it's bad because of the cold but I now have an awful pain in my back every time I cough and the last time I felt like this I had a lung infection. I'm under pressure to be at work tomorrow as i have a new administrator starting but if I feel like this I'm not likely to last very long.

John Jnr is off to work (12 - 6) and John Snr has been at work since 6 this morning. Paul will be on his way back from Edinburgh (they went to see Joseph) and should be home by teatime. Tori is upstairs!

Elaine called to say that she had sniffed and sneezed and gret all night. She's like me and finds it very difficult to dislike people - except for one woman who she detests (with reason). However she now feels that she need to get over it once and for all as it's eating away at her and she's the only one getting hurt by it all. she's a better woman than me! She's off to Glasgow to look at tiles for her kitchen (she's all happy about this :-)).

Off to Gran Betty's at lunchtime for soup and then back to bed I think to see if I can shake this. I need to shop but it will have to wait. New years resolution no 2 - start to get the online shopping up and running on a weekly basis. It's not that I don't like tesco it's the fact that I have to do it every week. Some weeks I quite enjoy a wee bimble round the aisles but most weeks I want to get it get out and get it away.

I need to stop reading other people's blogs they make me feel so inadequate. I know I need to stop feeling like this but I feel like I have no one. Incidents during 2007 alienated me from everyone I wanted to mend bridges with this year and get into such a panic when trying to cook for more that 5 that inviting anyone for dinner or anything is too much for me and I end up falling out with those around me. 2 January was a prime example John's mum came for dinner and Paul turned up with Natalie - I got into such a state that I ended up not eating anything. I can't be laid back and enjoy and I so want to start interacting with my family before it's too late. The only thing I can think to do is to alienate myself from everyone and NOT READ BLOGS.

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