Friday 7 November 2008

What usually marks the middle of your day?
Well the middle of my day would technically be 8 hours from 07:00 which would be 15:00 at which time I'm packing up and headed home! Yeeha!

From whom (or to whom) was your most recent middle-of-the-night phone call?
Haven't recieved one for a long time! Usually it's from John in Glasgow somewhere freeezing his nuts off because he's fallen out with his latest squeeze or has lost all his friends in a pub! In fact I think it was from John - walking home from Ayr with Adele his friend from school. They finally managed to make it to Prestwick where George from Streamline made available his vehicle for them!

On what social, political, economic, or moral issue are you in the middle of the road?
Not entirely sure here but I did send off for an application form for East Ayrshire Women's Aid - They wanted a 400 word essay on my views on violence against women and children (including domestic abuse, rape, child sexual abuse) Why it happens and how does society respond. Also wanted to know what the term feminism meant to me. I'm all for Zero Tolerance however it did seem a wee bit hardcore for an Admin Position ever if they were offering 25k a year!

How likely are you to give someone your middle finger?
Very likely

When were you last caught in the middle of a disagreement that really had nothing to do with you?

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