Sunday, 18 October 2009

Sugar overload

Ok so went mad yesterday. Soup, pud and chinese for tea.

I made butternut and red pepper soup which I love - it's so easy to make then I made toffee apple crumble only I made 2. Didn't realise the recipe was for 2 until I peeled 12 apples and they filled my wok!

Apples are cooked with butter and then tossed in toffee sauce (golden syrup, light brown sugar, butter and some other ingredient which escapes me). Is it any wonder my dear husband reached for the glucose monitor afterwards!

so now I have 1 1/2 toffee apple crumbles sitting in my fridge which Rachel Allen assures me will last for ages in there! Big mistake. No 1 daughter only treats herself once a week and No 1 son is also on health kick. However No 2 son with very sweet tooth could devour one in a single sitting. i may send it to work with him on Tuesday!

i have resisted all morning but now I've started talking about it again - how knows. I am however going to get off my butt today and go walking. 3 or 6 mile walk - i think it will probably just be the 3 mile one as my DH and i walked one night and just kept walking. Once I mapped the walk it was just under 4 miles - it could have been 40. My feet and hips were killing me and that should give me the kick up the backside I need to shift some of this extra weight I'm carrying which i know is a contributing factor.

My mum is 70 next week and DHs mum is 80 in December. We booked a nice dinner for Betty in December as she's too old to contend with parties. Just us (JJJSCJPV & B) - it will be festive menu but as her birthday's like 3 days from Christmas we couldn't expect much more.

Mum on the other hand is partying like it's 1999! I have splurged and bought something new. I would have received many comments from my offspring had I not and turned up in the tried and tested of old. I will squeeze myself into my Goks just for the night and hope my bits don't fall off from the effort!


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